Does He Like Me? Discover the Truth with This Fun Quiz!

Does He Like Me? Discover the Truth with This Fun Quiz!

Does He Like Me? Discover the Truth with This Fun Quiz!

Are you asking yourself, "Does he like me?" If so, you’re in the right place! Our fun and insightful quiz is designed to help you uncover his true feelings, whether you're just starting to date or trying to read the signals from a long-time friend. With easy-to-answer questions and personalized results, you’ll gain clarity on your relationship status in no time. Don't let uncertainty hold you back—click now to take the quiz and find out if he's into you!

Questions and Answers

What's inside the Does He Like Me? Discover the Truth with This Fun Quiz! quiz

How often does he text or message you first?

  • Frequently, more than I text him.

  • Sometimes, it’s about equal.

  • Rarely, I’m the one who usually initiates.

  • Never, I always start the conversation.

Does he remember small details about your life (like your favorite color, food, or hobbies)?

  • Yes, he brings them up often.

  • Sometimes, but only if it’s a recent conversation.

  • Not really, I usually have to remind him.

  • No, he doesn’t seem to remember those things.

When you're together, how does he act?

  • He gives me his full attention and engages a lot.

  • He’s present but checks his phone sometimes.

  • He’s a bit distracted or distant.

  • He’s polite but doesn’t seem that interested.

Does he make an effort to spend time with you?

  • Yes, he frequently suggests hanging out.

  • Occasionally, but usually I’m the one to ask.

  • Only if it’s convenient for him.

  • No, he never really initiates plans.

How does he behave when other people are around?

  • He pays more attention to me than anyone else.

  • He includes me but also talks to others equally.

  • He barely talks to me and focuses on others.

  • He’s distant and barely acknowledges me.

Does he give you compliments or flatter you?

  • Yes, he compliments me often.

  • Sometimes, but it’s more general compliments.

  • Not really, he doesn’t say much about how I look or act.

  • No, he never gives me compliments.

If you don’t talk for a few days, how does he react?

  • He reaches out to check in on me.

  • He responds warmly if I text him first.

  • He doesn’t seem to notice the gap in communication.

  • He barely responds when I contact him.

How does he act around your friends?

  • He tries to impress them and get their approval.

  • He’s polite but doesn’t make much effort.

  • He doesn’t seem interested in getting to know them.

  • He avoids interacting with them altogether.

Does he ask you personal questions to get to know you better?

  • Yes, he’s curious about my thoughts, feelings, and experiences.

  • Sometimes, but not often.

  • He doesn’t ask many personal questions.

  • No, we mostly have surface-level conversations.

How does he behave on social media?

  • He likes and comments on most of my posts.

  • He occasionally interacts with my content.

  • He rarely engages with anything I post.

  • He doesn’t seem to care about my social media presence.

Does he ever make excuses to touch you (like playful nudges or high-fives)?

  • Yes, he finds excuses to be physically close.

  • Sometimes, but it’s rare.

  • Not really, he keeps his distance.

  • No, he avoids physical contact.

Has he ever made plans for just the two of you?

  • Yes, we’ve hung out alone multiple times.

  • Once or twice, but it was casual.

  • Not really, it’s usually with a group of people.

  • No, he’s never invited me to hang out one-on-one.

Does he try to make you laugh?

  • Yes, he’s always trying to make me smile or laugh.

  • Sometimes, but only when the situation is lighthearted.

  • Not really, he’s more serious around me.

  • No, he doesn’t try to joke or entertain me.

How does he react when you talk about other guys?

  • He seems jealous or uncomfortable.

  • He’s neutral and doesn’t seem to care.

  • He encourages me to go for other guys.

  • He changes the subject quickly.

Does he ask for your opinion or advice on personal matters?

  • Yes, he values my opinion and asks for advice.

  • Sometimes, but he mostly keeps things to himself.

  • Not really, he doesn’t ask for my input much.

  • No, he doesn’t involve me in personal matters.

When you’re walking together, does he walk close to you?

  • Yes, he stays close or even brushes up against me.

  • Sometimes, but not always.

  • No, he keeps his distance.

  • He usually walks ahead or behind me.

Has he ever gone out of his way to help you with something?

  • Yes, he’s helped me with things even when it was inconvenient for him.

  • Sometimes, but only when it’s easy for him.

  • Not really, he doesn’t go out of his way for me.

  • No, he’s never offered to help me.

Does he ask about your plans or try to make future plans with you?

  • Yes, he likes to know what I’m up to and makes plans with me.

  • Sometimes, but he doesn’t follow through often.

  • Not really, he doesn’t seem interested in my future plans.

  • No, he avoids talking about plans altogether.

Does he tease you in a playful way?

  • Yes, he teases me often but it’s always lighthearted.

  • Sometimes, but he mostly keeps things serious.

  • Not really, he doesn’t tease me at all.

  • No, he’s more formal and never playful.

How does he react when you achieve something important?

  • He’s excited and celebrates my success with me.

  • He’s happy but doesn’t show much enthusiasm.

  • He acknowledges it but quickly moves on.

  • He doesn’t seem to care much about my achievements.

Quiz description

Navigating the murky waters of romantic relationships can often leave you wondering, "Does he like me?" If you've found yourself second-guessing his intentions or analyzing every text message, you're not alone! Our "Does He Like Me?" quiz is designed to help you decode his feelings in a fun and engaging way. With a series of insightful questions, you can uncover whether he’s truly interested or just being friendly.

Why Take the Quiz?

Relationships can be complex, and sometimes it's challenging to read the signs. By taking our quiz, you'll gain clarity on where you stand in his eyes. Whether you're in the early stages of dating or trying to figure out a long-time friend’s feelings, this quiz offers a light-hearted yet revealing approach to understanding his behavior.

How the Quiz Works

Our trivia quiz consists of 20 carefully crafted questions that explore various aspects of your interactions with him. From how often he texts you first to whether he remembers your favorite things, each question is designed to gauge his level of interest. Based on your answers, you’ll receive personalized results that fall into four categories:

  1. He’s Totally Into You! – A sure sign that he has genuine feelings for you.
  2. He Likes You, But He’s Unsure – He might be feeling confused but is definitely interested.
  3. He’s Friendly, But That’s It – He enjoys your company but doesn’t see it as romantic.
  4. It’s a No from Him – It’s best to move on and find someone who shares your feelings.

What Will You Learn?

Upon completing the quiz, you’ll gain valuable insights into your relationship dynamics. Not only will you discover how he truly feels, but you’ll also receive advice on the next steps based on your results. Whether you’re looking for reassurance or a nudge to move on, this quiz has got you covered!


Ready to find out if he’s really into you? Taking our "Does He Like Me?" quiz is an entertaining way to explore his feelings while also enjoying the journey of self-discovery. Don’t miss out on the fun—take the quiz today and unlock the answers you've been searching for!

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